Debug |
Debug is a utility class that wraps println statements and allows more or less command line
output to be turned on. For debug messages only ( Debug.log() ): Use system
property: sikuli.Debug to set the debug level (default = 1) On the command line, use
-Dsikuli.Debug=n to set it to level n -Dsikuli.Debug will disable any debug messages
(which is equivalent to using Settings.Debuglogs = false) It prints if the level
number is less than or equal to the currently set DEBUG_LEVEL. For messages
ActionLogs, InfoLogs see Settings You might send all messages generated by this
class to a file: -Dsikuli.Logfile=pathname (no path given: SikuliLog.txt in working
folder) This can be restricted to Debug.user only (others go to System.out):
-Dsikuli.LogfileUser=pathname (no path given: UserLog.txt in working folder)